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SC752 185 Ford Escape 2012 Inboard Ride Radio Scanner STEREO

Inboard Ride, Ford Escape 2012, Acceleration and Deceleration Idle with Cabin Impacts, Radio Scanner Emergency Communications

SC752 174 Ford Escape 2012 Idle Parking Park STEREO

Exterior, Spring June Morning, Mont-Royal Park, Montreal, Overhang City Parking POV, Ford Escape 2012 Idle, Vehicles Passing by in Medium Perspective, Some Radio Scanner Walla Voice, Helicopter Approach and Pass by Overhead

SC400 384 Singing Choir Soprano Acapella STEREO

Interior St-Guy Cathedral, Singing Choir Soprano Acapella

SC400 383 Singing Choir Acapella – Alleluia STEREO

Interior St-Guy Cathedral, Singing Choir Acapella – ‘Alleluia’

SC400 382 Singing Choir Acapella STEREO

Interior St-Guy Cathedral, Singing Choir Acapella

SC200 068 Black Capped Chickadee Fly by American Crows Caws STEREO

Black-Capped Chickadee Chirping in Foreground NICE TRACK with Many Flying by Around Birds Feeder and American Crows Caws in Distant Background – Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc

SC200 067 Black-Capped Chickadee Fly by STEREO

Black-Capped Chickadee Chirping in Foreground with Many Flying by Around Birds Feeder – Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc

SC200 066 Black-Capped Chickadee Blue Jay STEREO

Black-Capped Chickadee in Foreground, Blue Jay in Background, Dog Barking in a Reverberant Environment, Winds Blowing Through Trees Leaves – Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc

SC030 009 Cappuccino Coffee Cleaning Dishes STEREO

Interior Kitchen, Barefoot and Movements, Preparing Milk Foam, Coffee Grinder, Expresso Machine made Cappuccino coffee with Hot Milk and Top Milk Foam, WaterTap Open and Close in Sink for Cleaning Dishes

SC024 53 Cape Verde Sea Waves Pebbles Seashore Version03 MS

Cape Verde, Heavy Sea Waves Close to Medium Shot POV, Rolling Over Pebbles Seashore – Version 3 of 5